Hi! My name is Mohra.

Student and Software Engineer

Picture of Mohra Arsala, the website creator.

I'm a fourth year Software Engineering major at UC Irvine (graduating June 2021) from Sacramento, CA. Welcome to my portfolio! I've been passionate about technology for as long as I can remember, but I didn't get a chance to truly dig deep into this field until I took my first programming class at UCI. I've learned a ton since then, and I'm super excited to begin my career when I graduate. I have the most exposure to front-end sotware engineering, but I'd really like to learn more about all areas of software engineering.

Outside the realm of software engineering, I really enjoy spending time with family. I also like taking pictures and traveling, so hopefully I can combine those passions some day to have a blog section on my website! My favorite color is a pastel shade of pink. (An accurate representation of this color would probably be #f4c2c2)


  • Python
  • Java
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Git


The logo for Intuit. There are white letters spelling Intuit with a blue background.

Software Engineer Intern

  • Converted and externalized Intuit's Expert Platform front end configuration to JSON5 in order to be hosted outside of regular product releases with Configuration as a Service
  • Worked around an existing synchronous JavaScript and ReactJS codebase in order to allow for asynchronous flows when accessing externalized configurations

The logo for WICS UCI.

Marketing Committee Chair

  • Manages a committee of 6 people in order to help promote club events through social media and other platforms
  • Mentors underclassmen UCI ICS students as part of the WICS mentorship program by providing friendship and advice in regards to career and school

The logo for the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.

Python Lab Tutor

  • Tutored students, answered questions about course material, and taught debugging skills for a lab of 45 studends
  • Received positive reviews (8.5-9 out of 10) from students at the end of the quarter